Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Close Call

Grace has inherited her Daddy's nack for pulling his arm out of socket and you've probably seen a few pictures of her doing just that in some of my earlier posts. A few weeks ago, I was cleaning up after dinner and Grace went upstairs looking for Matt. The next thing I know Grace is running downstairs crying and holding her arm. I knew instantly that she had done it again!Here's the kicker. The first time Grace did it, the doctor showed us how to pop it back in in case she ever did it again. Ummmmm no thank you! I told Matt I would be right back in the ER again because there was no way I would try that myself (although it did look pretty simple when doctor did it)! Matt took ahold of her hand and arm and BAM popped it back in!! SAAAAWEET!!! Once it's done, she's immediately fine! It's the strangest thing! She also did it last spring. While we were sitting in the waiting room at the ER, she reached for a bandaid on her leg and somehow popped it back in herself! Imagine explaining that to the people at the front desk!! Needless to say we didn't have to take a trip to the ER thanks to Dr. Daddy who saved the day! Later that night, Matt and Grace were having their daily evening "wrestle match," she fell off of Matt and onto her hand. The next thing I hear from her was, "Oh good grief! I just did it again!" WAHAHAHAHA!!! No, she didn't do it again. And, YES, Matt and I were hysterically laughing for the rest of the night!!!

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