Saturday, July 25, 2009

Duck Whisperer??

On Thursday afternoon, Grace woke up early from her nap so I decided to load her up and have her snack time at the park. This was a big deal since she got to sit at the picnic table all by herself and eat her snack like a big girl!

As usual, Grace started attracting all of the park wildlife. I don't mind the occasional duck, however, there are some that are rather sickly and have a mysterious liquid oozing from their eyes!! Yummmm sure made me want to join Grace at snack time!! She ran a good couple of miles trying to keep up with the big kids and still won't give up trying to climb up the slides. And then as we were gearing up to leave, the "incident" happened..............................

Grace wanted to say bye-bye to the ducks one more time. She bent down in her usual Grace stance with her hands behind her back as if she was about to have a lengthy conversation with the red-faced duck sitting in a pool of its own drool. She put her hand out I guess to shake its disgusting "hand" still covered in mysterious ooze. All of the sudden, it leaned towards her and bit her finger!! I don't know if it was the actual bite, the calm way I reacted and screamed so loud the entire park heard me, or that she realized she is not in fact the duck whisperer but it's safe to say she was pretty heartbroken. She didn't start screaming. She just whimpered while gigantic crocodile tears streamed down her face! How pitiful! Next time, I'll be bringing my water gun and taking care of that dang duck!!

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