On Saturday, Matt and I took Grace on her first fishing trip. I was SO excited because she has really taken an interest in people fishing the last few times we've been at the park. Luckily, the people around here are pretty friendly and have let Grace all but help reel in the fish!
Grace picked out a princess fishing pole and we headed to the park as soon as she woke up from her nap. We could've forgotten the actual fishing part once she saw the worms........that was pretty exciting!! She wanted to "get nother worm" every time Matt cast the hook into the water.
Matt and I were pretty fired up! He got to go fishing, and I couldn't wait to get some decent pictures. He cast out the line.........and we waited. After a few hundred tries, Grace got distracted and decided she needed a break from fishing. She played on the kayak ramp and splashed in the water and would check on Matt periodically to see if he caught one. And then back we'd go to splash some more.
The bad news is that Grace didn't actually get to catch and touch a fish. The good news is we had a great time taking her on her first fishing trip. She got to use her new princess fishing pole, splash in the water, and even play on the swings before we left. We'll have to try a different park next time.........and hopefully get to take some pictures with an actual fish!!!