On Sunday, the three of us headed out to the pumpkin patch. I was SO excited I could hardly wait for Grace to wake up from her nap! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pumpkin patch and could easily spend an entire day there! Anyway, this year there was so much more Grace could do which made it even more fun.
Devan, Misty, and Jalen met us for the hayride and punkin' pickin'. Grace went up to EVERY pumpkin, would try to lift it up and say, "Oh heaby." She ventured over to a pumpkin that had been busted open. Matt wasn't thrilled, but I let her check it out and feel the seeds and "guts". Just wait until pumpkin carving night, Daddy! :)
We found our two pumpkins and were ready to head back. Once it was our turn to get on the wagon, the driver said we'd have to wait for the next one because it was full............GREAT!!!!! I knew what was coming next...............................................Yep, FULL MELTDOWN!!!! Sir, don't you understand that when a 20 month old wants to get on the "train", she WANTS to get on it NOW!!!!!
After trying to convince Grace that we weren't left behind and her wanting to be held and put down, held and put down, another wagon finally came and rescued us! Phew!! There were several things that we didn't get to do again this year. That just makes me even more excited for next year!!
Awwww she's a country girl at heart!! That's also in her blood after all!! She keeps telling me she wants to help Papa with his corn when she's big!! :)
Here's a few pics of Grace and I going down the slide.
Game faces on!!!
"Gain, Gain!""
Grace is still loving this holiday! She points out every "pider," "carecrow," and "punkin'" she sees. This time of year, our neighborhood has a tradition called "BOOing". Once you've been "BOOed" your instructions are to put the "BOO" sign on your door, make 2 copies of the sign and instructions, and take a Halloween something-or-other to 2 neighbors without them seeing you. This continues until Halloween night, and you can see how far it's spread by the "BOOs" on your neighbors' doors. Last week, our doorbell rang during dinner. I went outside expecting to see a salesman and instead discovered we had just been BOOed!!! The next night, Grace and I loaded up our Halloween surprises and waited until it was dark. We ran up to each house, put down our goodies, rang the doorbell, and started sprinting. Ok this part was interesting considering I wasn't supposed to be running yet and I was carrying a 27-pounder........in the rain! I tried to "explain" to Grace that we were supposed to be quiet so one would hear us. After we rang each doorbell and hid, she would yell, "Qiet, Qiet!" hahahaha Oh well, we had fun anyway!!
Matt got some great pictures! Can't wait for next year!!