Monday, January 30, 2012

Wonder Lab

We drove to Indiana on Wednesday the 18th to celebrate Grace's 4th birthday.  That may sound a little crazy but you have to remember that we have to factor in a day to travel (7hrs), another day to buy all the food for the party, another day to decorate and do any baking that I can ahead of the actual party day, a day for the actual party, and finally a day to travel back to Knoxville.  UGH!  I can.  not.  wait.  until we're done with ALL of the traveling, inconveniencing everyone, and can stop pawning off my girls so I can get things ready for the party!  I obviously don't have any type of strong feelings regarding this......uh hum!  Back to my original point.
Grandma, the girls, and I went to the Wonder Lab in Bloomington on Thursday.  This was the first time for Anna and I and Grace had only been once before so we were all excited!  The pictures pretty much sum up all that the Wonder Lab has to offer.  There is activity after activity for little ones to explore!  Anna's favorite activity was the "water discovery" area (I'm calling it) and she went back time and time again.  Grace bounced from station to station and loved climbing up the grape vine (where were the samples, Oliver Winery??), throwing balls into the water tornado (for lack of a better term), and the parachute area.  I'm glad we took a few hours out of the morning to take the girls because they loved it!  Thank you, Grandma!!!
We had to drag Grace out but a promise of "Old McDonald's" eased her pain a bit.  :)  Now on to planning a birthday party!!

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