Thursday, August 13, 2009

Goldfish and Cheerios

Alright moms if you're anything like me, you ALWAYS have an endless supply of goldfish and cheerios with you at ALL TIMES! One day we were almost out of goldfish (which is a crisis in itself), so I decided to throw in some Cheerios into our goldfish bag-o-goodies. I usually have a couple crackers for myself after Grace gets some "bish" in the car. I happened to eat a goldfish and a Cheerio at the same time, and had a flavor explosion in my mouth! Let me tell you folks, it is GREAT! You may think I'm a little strange for writing about this, but I LOVE to find a good combination of foods to eat......of course I had to pass this along. So the next time you're in the car, at the doctor's office, out and about, and you taste this little heavenly treat just say out loud, "She was right!!" Or if you would like my mailing address to send a thank you card from Paula's Handmade Memories (plug), just send me an email! :) ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. You are funny, thanks for the plug. You forgot to link to me though! I had a little discovery like that in college. I found that eating Honey Nut Cheerios while drinking Millier Lite was a wonderful snack combo.
