We had a great Labor Day weekend! On Saturday, we took a trip to the zoo. This was our first visit of the summer since it's been SOOO hot!! It was a perfect day for it.......79 degrees and sunny! Ahhhhh I can almost smell fall making its appearance!!
Saturday night we had some neighbors over for a cookout. We've both had very busy summers and this cookout was long overdue. We have the best neighbors you can ask for, and we were happy we got to catch up!!
We had a low-key day on Sunday and got some things done around the house in the morning. That evening we decided to roast some hot dogs and shrimp over our little fire pit in the backyard. Grace got into it and actually ate some of her hot dog. She loves being outside! Now that it's not 127 degrees, we can finally enjoy more time out playing.
We headed to the park on Monday where Matt and Grace did a WHOLE LOT of swinging and playing in the water and I got to squeeze in a nice walk. Grace is eating up all this daddy time! Grace and Matt have had tons of one-on-one time together while I'm feeding and taking care of Anna. Every morning, the first thing she asks is, "Where's daddy?" Too cute! I hope I don't become chopped liver quite yet! :)
Grace also had a BIG first over the weekend. She has made HUGE strides in the potty training department. She had a poop strike that lasted well over 6 weeks! She was doing great and then completely stopped cold turkey! We tried what seemed like hundreds of different approaches to get her to do it again, and Matt finally got one to work! That was a few weeks ago. I am happy to report that not only is she doing it consistently, but she's telling us every time she needs to go! HOORAY!! She also started consistently waking up with a dry pull-up. On Monday, she took a nap for the first time in her panties and didn't have an accident! WHO HOO!! Good job kiddo! Now let's just keep our fingers crossed that we she keeps it up and we can soon move on to no pull-ups at all!!
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