Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We're finally back from our extended stay in IN, and I have a lot of catching up to do! First I'll start with Thanksgiving. We had an impromptu dinner with the Gentry side of the family the night before Thanksgiving. We were originally going to feast on Thursday, but when the Townsends had a change of plans, we decided to go ahead and have dinner when everyone could be together. Barb, Laura, and I started whipping up all of the deliciousness while Jack and Grace ran at least 500 laps around Barb's house! If I heard Grace say, "Come on Grandma" once I heard it a thousand times! We also came up with a new pumpkin pie recipe. You see if for whatever reason you make your pie and add condensed milk THAT ISN'T SWEETENED, simply taste it mid-way through cooking and start adding sugar!! You'll end up with a lovely twice-whipped pumpkin pie and no one will know the difference! :) It's a real good thing that Barb decided to give the pie a taste before it was done!!

On Thanksgiving day, we headed to Greenwood to have dinner with the Harding side of the family. We got to see Maggie and Adam's new house for the first time and it's beautiful! It's got me all geared up to move myself! Anyway, we once again stuffed ourselves to the gourd and couldn't stop eating! Grace tried some of Maggie's chocolate-cinnamon pudding, and clearly LOVED IT!! Later that night, the kids had a make-shift campout in Sophie's playroom complete with a camp fire! Then we locked them up and went to the movies!! hahaha Ok so we didn't lock them up, but the girls did head off to see New Moon that night (Go Team Edward)! We made sure to get home at a decent time so the shopping extravaganza could begin the next morning! We didn't make it out until about 10am but still found almost everything we needed. The big-ticket item that we couldn't find is now on lock-down in a safe, secure place since it was a certain someone's #1 item on her wish list!!!!!!!!!!

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