Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's a HOME RUN!!!

Grace had a BIG game last Saturday!! She stepped up to the tee, took a swing, and hammered one clear to the fence!!! OK, that might be stretching the truth just a tad! She was the last batter and that player gets to run all the way to home to ensure that everyone gets to run all the bases after each "at bat." There is one small problem with being the last batter. Coach Jimmy makes each player run to the fence past home plate and then head to the dugout. This is Grace's favorite part as she likes to take a few minutes to soak up all the cheering while at the fence! (She's never really been one to like being the center of attention after all!) As the last batter, Coach Jimmy met Grace at home plate and gave her a high five so she didn't get to marinade in all her glory at the fence! WAHAHA!! No worries! I'm sure that will make this week even more exciting! Take a look at Chicken Little's home run!!!

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