Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Ohhh it has a tag!  BONUS!!

We had a low-key (but fun) Valentine's Day!!  Grace woke up on Sunday with a horrible sounding cough so we decided to take it easy on Monday.  When we came downstairs first thing on Valentine's Day, Matt had surprises sitting out for the girls!  SO sweet!!  He got them a little heart pillow and heart "me" (blanket).  And as you can guess, Grace LOVES it......and is currently rolling around on hers.  I laid out the rest of the stuff during Grace's nap so she would have some surprises to wake up to.  Since she wasn't feeling too great, I wanted to spread out the fun!
I never really got into Valentine's Day UNTIL I had kids!  They just make everything more fun don't they!
Valentine's Goodies

Do you see that little box of chocolates that is sitting next to Anna's caterpillar??  It seems to have gone missing from our house!!  HMMMMMM!!  Now normally I wouldn't consider this to be much of a mystery because the maximum amount of time it takes me to eat any kind of sweets in our house is generally 5 minutes or less.  However, I can honestly say that this time it WAS NOT me!  Poor Anna!!  She won't get to eat her chocolates!  I did pick them out just for her after all!  :)  It's a good thing I went ahead and picked up that box of frosted, sugar cookies on my way out!  SHEW!!


1 comment:

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