Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Potty Training 101

This week we have officially started potty training!! Earlier this summer, Grace started showing us signs that she was getting ready for this stage by looking at us and saying poop and then pooping in her diaper. Well today she went potty on the "big girl potty" for the very first time!!! YEAH!! Grace probably thought I was having a small seizure from my reaction since I got A LITTLE excited!

I tried to start the morning with her sitting on the potty, but she wanted nothing to do with that. I tried a few other times during the morning, and we had no success although she did manage to squeeze out a little toot!! But after she had a nice long nap and was in a good mood, I decided to try again. She sat on the potty pushed a couple times and out it came!!! Next came the best part for Grace. She got to put 5 stickers on her potty chart and got a surprise (see pic below)! Some of you may not believe in bribing with food, but she's my child and I know food will work!! haha

I have run into a slight snag.......she now thinks she gets a "stick" every time she walks into the bathroom. We'll have to work on that a bit tomorrow! :)

I was extremely motivated after her success today, and I just knew I could get her to poop on the potty after supper and be able to write a "how to" on potty training by the end of the month. I sat her on the potty before her bath for a few minutes and nothing happened. Immediately after she got off the potty, she squatted and went right on the bathroom floor!! And after her bath, she went TWICE on her changing table!! I guess we have a long road ahead of us and that "how to" book will have to be postponed! :) I'll keep you updated as her chart fills up! Wish us luck!!


  1. Great job! There is nothing wrong with rewarding with food, whatever it takes, you go for it.
